Religious City-State
1 Envoy: +2
Faith in the
3 Envoys: +2
Faith in every Shrine building.
6 Envoys: +2
Faith in every Temple building.
Nazca Suzerain Bonus
Your Builders can now make Nazca Line improvements.
Nazca Lines provide +1 Faith to adjacent tiles. +1
Faith to adjacent tiles with a resource. +1
Food to adjacent Desert and Desert Hill tiles after discovering Civil Service. +1
Production to adjacent flat tiles after researching Mass Production. +1 Appeal. Can only be built on flat Desert. This tile cannot be worked.
City-State Type
City-State Type
Religious City-State
1 Envoy: +2
Faith in the
3 Envoys: +2
Faith in every Shrine building.
6 Envoys: +2
Faith in every Temple building.
Nazca Suzerain Bonus
Your Builders can now make Nazca Line improvements.
Nazca Lines provide +1 Faith to adjacent tiles. +1
Faith to adjacent tiles with a resource. +1
Food to adjacent Desert and Desert Hill tiles after discovering Civil Service. +1
Production to adjacent flat tiles after researching Mass Production. +1 Appeal. Can only be built on flat Desert. This tile cannot be worked.