If human beings are to settle away from planet Earth, it will be necessary to develop competencies for life isolated from the main planet—simple matters like “growing food” and “finding enough water” and “not having to run home for spare parts.” Approaches for sustained life away from Earth are still in the theoretical stages in the early Twenty-First Century. It is hoped that as human beings develop the ability to live away from our home planet, those learnings will also be passed back to those of us living on Earth, in order to help us make better use of the resources we possess and safeguard them for future generations.
“No, my friends, we have not fallen back upon the earth; no, nor are we submerged in the Gulf of Mexico. Yes! we are mounting into space. See those stars shining in the night, and that impenetrable darkness heaped up between the earth and us!” – Jules Verne
“After eleven Days Passage in this violent Flight, I perceived we began to approach another Earth (if I may so call it) being the Globe or very Body of that Star which we call the Moon.” – Francis Godwin
Future Era
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Base Cost: 2500 Science
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Historical Context
If human beings are to settle away from planet Earth, it will be necessary to develop competencies for life isolated from the main planet—simple matters like “growing food” and “finding enough water” and “not having to run home for spare parts.” Approaches for sustained life away from Earth are still in the theoretical stages in the early Twenty-First Century. It is hoped that as human beings develop the ability to live away from our home planet, those learnings will also be passed back to those of us living on Earth, in order to help us make better use of the resources we possess and safeguard them for future generations.
“No, my friends, we have not fallen back upon the earth; no, nor are we submerged in the Gulf of Mexico. Yes! we are mounting into space. See those stars shining in the night, and that impenetrable darkness heaped up between the earth and us!” – Jules Verne
“After eleven Days Passage in this violent Flight, I perceived we began to approach another Earth (if I may so call it) being the Globe or very Body of that Star which we call the Moon.” – Francis Godwin