Bonus Amenity extends to each city center within 9 tiles. This bonus applies once to a city, and multiple copies of this building within 9 tiles of a city center do not provide additional bonuses. +1 Science to each coastal resource, Shipwreck, and Reef tile in this city.
Historical Context
The modern aquarium brings the pleasure of seeing the great beasts of the deep without putting one's limbs at risk. They would provide a bridge between spectacle and education.
The Romans would get a start in the fish tank game with their early marble aquariums with a single pane of glass around 50 CE. However, the first public aquarium wouldn't appear until 1853, with the construction of the London Zoo's 'Fish House.'
Today, Atlanta, Georgia boasts the largest aquarium in the world featuring a whopping 24 million gallon shark tank.
Bonus Amenity extends to each city center within 9 tiles. This bonus applies once to a city, and multiple copies of this building within 9 tiles of a city center do not provide additional bonuses. +1 Science to each coastal resource, Shipwreck, and Reef tile in this city.
Historical Context
The modern aquarium brings the pleasure of seeing the great beasts of the deep without putting one's limbs at risk. They would provide a bridge between spectacle and education.
The Romans would get a start in the fish tank game with their early marble aquariums with a single pane of glass around 50 CE. However, the first public aquarium wouldn't appear until 1853, with the construction of the London Zoo's 'Fish House.'
Today, Atlanta, Georgia boasts the largest aquarium in the world featuring a whopping 24 million gallon shark tank.